Minor Click Wraps

Minors and Online Contracts – Understanding Clickwrap, Shrink-Wrap, and Browse-Wrap Contracts. India is currently experiencing a digital revolution, marked by a significant increase in internet users, surpassing 50% of the population. As the adoption of e-contracts rises simultaneously with this surge, legal complexities emerge, particularly concerning minors engaging in such agreements. Verifying the age and […]

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BIS For Toys

Toys, Tested and Trusted: Ensuring Child Safety through Indian Standards on Toys Parents around the globe share a common concern when it comes to choosing toys for their children – safety. The potential hazards associated with toys, ranging from choking risks to exposure to harmful chemicals, underscore the importance of stringent safety regulations. Development of […]

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EPR For Plastics

Hidden Costs of Convenience: Uncovering the true environmental and economic implications of Single-Use Plastics and examining EPR as a potential solution. Imagine this: You've purchased groceries neatly packed in a plastic bag. After a short while, it's ready to be discarded with hardly a second thought. This scene, so familiar to many of us, is […]

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Fortified Rice & Fortified Rice Machine Standards and Specifications

BIS Certification: Fortified Rice & Fortified Rice Machine Standards and Specifications Government of India is running several social security initiatives like the Public Distribution System (PDS), Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), and National Program of Mid-Day Meal in Schools (MDMS) to encourage the consumption of fortified rice to eradicate micronutrient deficiencies in the country. Important […]

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Deciphering the National Medical Devices

DECIPHERING THE NATIONAL MEDICAL DEVICES (NMD) POLICY, 2023 India ranks among the top 20 medical device markets worldwide and is the fourth-largest market for medical devices in Asia after Japan, China, and South Korea. The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 primarily governs the medical device industry in India. The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) […]

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Is Model Approval enough for Measuring Tapes

  Is Model Approval enough for Measuring Tapes, or Does it require BIS Certification too? Understanding Model Approval and BIS Certification: Model Approval in India under the Legal Metrology Act 2009 is a certificate issued to manufacturers and importers, approving weight and measurement products. It certifies that the product adheres to Indian metrological standards. On […]

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Women in Family Business Succession_ The Legacy continues
Women in Family Business Succession The Legacy continues

Women in Family Business Succession: The Legacy continues For generations, the trajectory of succession in family businesses has been firmly entrenched in tradition, with sons typically inheriting the mantle of leadership and the lion's share of wealth. Women, often relegated to the sidelines due to socio-cultural norms, have historically found themselves excluded from the succession […]

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Decriminalization of offences under the Legal Metrology Act, 2009
Decriminalization of offences under the Legal Metrology Act, 2009

Decriminalization of offences under the Legal Metrology Act, 2009 In a move aimed at simplifying regulations and fostering a business-friendly environment, the Indian government recently introduced the Jan Vishwas (Amendment of Provisions) Act, 2023. This Act, approved by the President on August 11, 2023, focuses on revising penalties for various offences under the Legal Metrology […]

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Decoding India's New Beneficial Ownership Disclosures for Companies
Decoding India's New Beneficial Ownership Disclosures for Companies

Decoding India’s New Beneficial Ownership Disclosures for Companiesextensions? Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of corporate governance, transparency is the cornerstone of trust and accountability. Recognizing this, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has recently implemented amendments to the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, with the aim of enhancing transparency in beneficial ownership of shares […]

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Golden Shares- A Key to Corporate Control
Golden Shares A Key to Corporate Control

Golden Shares: A Key to Corporate Control Golden shares, a unique type of share with significant voting power, have been a subject of intrigue and controversy in both corporate and governmental realms. These shares, often issued by governments or public companies, hold the key to the decision-making process, allowing their holders to wield considerable influence […]

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